Rev. Lydia Janacek
Clairvoyant Medium Readings  ~ Lydia has an office where she does  private readings,  on a one on one basis. She also provides the option of having a party in your home, where your friends and family can come  for individual readings [with a minimum amount hours required]  Small groups are welcome to come to her office.
 Phone readings are possible where you can stay in the convenience of your own home. Lydia has read individuals all over the world. Also does Past Life Regressions in person and on Zoom.

Spiritual Development Classes~ Learning to listen to the small voice within, to develop your own intuition, learn about Chakra's, Aura's, Energy, Karma and so much more...

Spiritual Advisor ~ Aiding those who have experienced hardships and grief through connection with Spirit. 

House Blessings ~ This would be when one moves into a new home, and wants the house to welcome the Holy Spirit into it. 

Baptisms and Weddings ~ A Spiritual ceremony welcoming new life and those who have chosen to come together 

House Clearings~ To achieve balance, peace, and harmony within your home. When these elements are in our home one 
is able to feel more confident  in one 's life and are more productive. Unfortunately not everyone feels that balance.
We provide a service of clearing homes with a team of Ministers, rates vary due to sizes of home and length  we have to travel to get to you.

Passed Life Regression:  A  therapy aimed at uncovering previous lives,  & to  help one understand their present life better and possible get answers for issues in this life time to move forward when stuck.

Reiki ~ Both Rev. Lydia and her husband, George offer Reiki services, please visit the Reiki page for further details.

Contact Us
Healing Light Fellowship Church
Past Life Regressions